
Q: What is the recommended age for A Season of Love and Kindness?

Short answer: 3-99+

Long answer: I wrote the book with the intention that families (including mine) would use it year after year. The sets include the book and either pre-assembled pendant ornaments in numbered pouches (Limited Edition Gift Set) or plain small pouches and supplies to assemble the pendant ornaments (Family Activity Set). In both cases, the pendants match those shown in the book for each day, and it becomes a meaningful advent calendar with a pouch and a pendant ornament for each day, December 1-24. This aspect can be very engaging for kids used to enjoying other advent calendars. 

At very young ages, my kids were most interested in the acts of kindness, which are largely designed to include things that small children can participate in if not complete independently (give a hug, write a thank you note, say I love you, etc.) By the time they reach preschool and can be trusted not to put the pendants in their mouths, they can enjoy opening the pouches, exploring the images, and displaying the pendant ornaments. Kids in this age group might really have fun decorating the pouches in the Family Activity Set.

 As they grow, they will become more interested in the daily readings, which often include questions you can discuss as a family. Older kids can be encouraged to take on more involved acts of kindness (there are multiple possibilities suggested for most of the days) like including someone who is excluded, practicing forgiveness, or choosing sustainable options to care for creation.

I wrote the readings with the intention that they would continue to be meaningful for a lifetime. The messages are not directed solely towards children.

Q: What do you do with the pendant ornaments?

A: At my house, we hang the pouches on a small Christmas tree. Each morning, December 1 - 24, we open the corresponding numbered pouch for the day. We enjoy the imagery in the pendant ornaments, then read from the book for that day to see how the picture relates to the theme and act of kindness. We hang the pendant on the tree, where it serves as a beautiful decoration and as a visual reminder of the main idea for that day.

 Have another question? Please contact me. I'm happy to help!